does god’s divine wisdom mean we don’t have free will?

The problem is that if God knows all and is all powerful, doesn’t that mean that humans don’t have free will? For if God has predetermined all that is to come, then do we still have the choice to choose between different things?

The bible says two things…

Romans 8: 29 “For those God foreknew he also to be conformed to the image of his son”.

Deuteronomy 30:19 “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death”.

So the bible says both are true… Now how can that be? I believe the next important thing to do is to look at the extremes.

What is wrong with pure determinism (this is purely that God has predetermined everything)?

It means that we are then not accountable for our sins. Everything that we do is decided by God.

Now what is wrong with pure free will?

It means that God does not have a sovereign plan. All that happens is left up to chance, and thus we can not take comfort in God having a plan for us.

So What Now?

But what do we know? 1. God is all soverign. 2. Humans do have the ability to choose between sinning or turning to God. 3. God does have a plan for us. 4. We are accountable for our sins, but Jesus died on the cross so we do not have to bare the consequences.

So maybe God does not reveal the answer to us. For it says in Deuteronomy 29:29 that God has kept things in secret, but revealed to us what we need to know! So we need to choose a biblical answer in the middle of all this.

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